My core values

My core values

The core values of my business will always be reliability, high quality, friendliness and professionalism, customer satisfaction is my highest priority. My customers are at the centre of everything that I do! I will turn up without fail or advise you of any change. I take these values very seriously. When you hire me, you're hiring someone who will treat your garden and home as if it was my very own. Whether it’s a big job or a small task, I always give 100% to every thing I do. I can mow your lawn, cut your hedges, create or maintain flowerbeds, wash your patio, clean your windows on your conservatory or greenhouse. Prune shrubs and small trees and much more. I pride myself on obtaining perfection.

i have a 24 hour answer phone so please leave a message and if I am busy I will get back to you at the earliest available opportunity.